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Tabs Making 訂製吉他譜    by音樂人阿村

如果你有什麼特別想學的指彈吉他歌曲,現在可以聯繫阿村,向阿村預定,阿村為你的編成指彈吉他,做成吉他譜Tab(六線譜)給你。價格為一首美金$20。(Paypal/信用卡 捐款)

  • 會儘量覆蓋全部旋律一遍。

  • 阿村會給你TAB譜,但不包含示範視頻。

  • 要求示範視頻+$10。

  • 前奏,間奏,尾奏不一定有,視情況適不適合而定。

  • 為你訂做的譜將來或許阿村會自己錄製視頻放在阿村的頻道。

  • 不接受修改,編曲的難易度大概和阿村頻道視頻相近,儘量保持適中的難度。

If you have any particular song wanna learn in Guitar Fingerstyle, Acun could custom made a score for you, create into standard Guitar TAB, specially for you. Price is USD$20 per song. (thru Paypal/Credit Card)Please contact Acun to discuss. 
- The tab will cover all melody of the songs.
- Acun will make you the Guitar Tab, Video not included.
- Video request + usd$10
- Intro, Interlude and outro might not be included in the tab, depends on the songs, whether or not it's suitable to arrange on guitar.
- Acun might record a video of your song request and upload to his own youtube channel in the future.
- Modification of Arrangement is not accepted, the level of difficulty will be close to most Acun's arrangement, will try his best to arrange decent difficulty.

*it takes 3 days to 1 week to complete.
*no guarantee that any songs can be created, please contact Acun for further discussion. 
​聯繫阿村 Contact Me
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